[대사관] ‘14 정부초청 외국인 대학원 장학생 선발계획
페이지 정보
작성자 한인회 작성일14-02-13 19:36조회6,439회 댓글0건
- _공지용_2014_GKS_Graduate_Program_Guidelines_English-Korean___1_.doc (1.2M) 47회 다운로드 DATE : 2014-02-14 11:30:20
‘14 정부초청 외국인 대학원 장학생 선발계획
□ KGSP 개요
◦ 모집과정: 석사과정 (한국어 1년, 학위 2년), 박사과정 (한국어 1년, 학위 3년)
◦ 선발분야: 국내 60개 위탁대학에서 개설한 학문분야
◦ 우리공관 배정인원: 3명
◦지원 자격: 싱가포르 국적 소지자(부모도 해당), ’14.9.1 현재 40세 미만, 석사.박사 학위 소지자 (예정자 포함), 최종학교 성적 100분위 80% 이상 등
*결격사유: 이중국적자, 국내 학위과정 재학 사실이 있는자 (교환학생 과정 중 졸업필수 요건인 경우 지원 가능) 등.
□ 선발계획
◦원서 접수: 2014년 3월 21일까지
◦ 1차 서류심사(3.26): 9명 이내 선발 *공관 배정인원 3배수 이내
◦ 2차 면접 전형(4.2): 4명 선발
Korean Government Scholarship Program for a Graduate Degree
The National Institute for International Education (NIIED) under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea will invite Singaporeans for '2014 Global Korea Scholarship: Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for a Graduate Degree" to be conducted in Korea for the academic year 2014-2017.
The application guidelines are attached, including qualifications, required documents/forms for submission and all other necessary information.
Selection Schedule
o Application Period : Feb.7th~Mar.21st
o The 1st Selection result announcements (individual notification) : Mar.26th
o Interview : Apr.2nd
o Announcement for the Results of the 2nd Selection: May1st(posted on GKS websites)
1. Applicants must be a citizen of the country to which scholarships are offered, which is also applied to his/her parents.
※ Both applicant and his/her parents must not be a holder of Korean citizenship
2. All applications are to be POSTED to:
Korean Government Scholarship Program 2014
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
47 Scotts Road
#08-00 Goldbell Towers
Singapore 228233
3. The deadline for submission is March 21, 2014(Fri).
4. Enquiries on the scholarship program should be directed to admin47@koreaembassy.org.sg / tel: 6887-5761 or researcher30@koreaembassy.org.sg
5. Further information about the 2014 Graduate GKS is available at the web-site http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr .
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